Friday, December 13, 2024
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Second Semester  MS.c Examination(Admission 2023-24)

Second Semester MSc.Examination (Admission 2022-23)

First Semester MSc.Examination (Admission 2022-23)

MSc. Programmes Admission 2022-23

Selection List 

Waiting List

Revised Copy of Waiting List

M.Tech Programmes Admission 2022-23

































































































Two  day webinar on “Perspectives in Spectroscopy” on 7th and 8th January 2022 organized by School of Chemical Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, sponsored by DST PURSE Phase – II, Department of Science and technology, Government of India. To join the webinar, click the below meeting link.

Session – I

Time                   :   10 am – 12 am

Speaker             :   Dr. Padmakumar K

                                Professor, Government Victoria  College, Palakkad

Topic                  :  Chemical Applications of Mossbauer Spectroscopy

Session – II

Time                  :     2 pm – 4 pm

Speaker            :    Prof. Dr. S. Sugunan

                                 Retired Professor, Department of Applied Chemistry,                                          CUSAT

Topic                  :Introduction to Molecular Spectroscopy

Day – II (08-01-2022)

Session – I

Time                  :   10 am – 12 am

Speaker           :   Dr. Vinod C Prabhakaran

                             Senior Principal Scientist, National Chemical Laboratory,                                  Pune 

Topic                  :  Electron and Vibrational Spectroscopy : From                                                                             fundamentals to recent advances

Session – II

Time                  :   2 pm – 4 pm

Speaker             :  Dr. N. V. Eldho

                               Assistant Professor, Indira Gandhi College of Arts and                                                                                                        Science, Nellikuzhy

Topic                  :  NMR Spectroscopy – Theory and Applications



Second Semester MSc.Examination (Admission 2023-24)