Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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Dr. Anitha C Kumar

Dr. Anitha C Kumar


School of Chemical Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala
E-mail: anitha.kumar@gmail.com, anithackumar@mgu.ac.in
Phone: 08185998052


• 2012 Selected for Marie-Curie IEF 2012 Fellowship with good score of 93.9/100.
• 2010-2011 CNRS postdoctoral fellowship from France.
• 2008-2010 ANR postdoctoral fellowship from France
• 2008 Best Poster award in International conference ICSS2008.
• 2005-2006 Senior Research Fellowship from University Grant Commission (UGC), India)
• 2003-2005 Junior Research Fellowship from University Grant Commission (UGC), India
• 2002 Qualified in National level test, Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) conducted by Indian Institute of Technologies on behalf of Govt. of India
• 2019 Associate fellow Andhra Pradesh Akademi of Science


Ph.D in Polymer Science- Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, Chennai, India
M.Sc. Inorganic Chemistry- School of Chemical Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala,India.
B.Sc. Specialised in Chemistry- KE College, Mannanam,Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India.


(2022 March-Till Date) Professor, School of Chemical Sciences, MG University, Kerala
(2021 Feb-2022 March) Associate Professor
Departmentof Applied Chemistry
Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kerala
(2018Nov–2021 Feb) Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry
Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, AndhraPradesh,India.
(2006 Nov -2018Nov) Assistant Professor
Departmentof Chemistry
(2014July-2016 June) Marie Curie Fellow
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
Aston University, Birmingham, UK.
(2010May– 2011May) Postdoctoral Research Associate(PDRA)
Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal115,Avenue Schweitzer-33600
Pessac, France.
(2008October–2010April) PostdoctoralResearchAssociate(PDRA)
Laboratoire de Chimie desPolymères Organiques, Ecole Nationale
Supérieure de Chimie et dePhysiquedeBordeaux, 16avenue PeyBerland –
33607 Pessac, France.
(July2003–2008July) ResearchScholar
Department of Chemistry, IndianInstitute of Technology Madras.
(2002April -2002 September) Junior Scientific Officer
Polymer testing laboratory, Common Facility Service Centre, Industrial
Department, Govt. of Kerala, India.
(2000October-2001January) MSc Project Student
Structural and Ceramics Division,National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science and Technology(NIISTCSIR),
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.


1) AnithaC.KumarandA.K.Mishra,“Fluorescencestudiesonpoly(N-isopropylacrylamide)(PNIPAM)
thermoreversible gel” Proceedings of international conference on molecules to materials-
2006,Longowal, Chandigarh, 382-386, March 3-4, 2006.
2) AnithaC.KumarandA.K.Mishra,“1-Naphthol as an excited state proton transfer fluorescent probe for
sensing bound-water hydration of polyvinyl alcohol” Talanta, 71, 2003–2006 ,2007.
3) AnithaC. Kumar, S. Boral, H. B. Bohidar and A. K. Mishra, “Modifying the aggregation behavior of
Poly(N-Isopropylacrylamide) thermoreversible gel by a bile salt” Journal of Physics:
ConferenceSeries, 80,12011, 2007.
4) Anitha C. Kumar, A. K. Mishra and H. B. Bohidar, “The effect of sodium cholate aggregates
onthermoreversible gelation of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)” Colloids and Surfaces B:
Biointerfaces,70, 60–67,2009.
5) Anitha C. Kumar, H. Erothu, H. B. Bohidar and A K. Mishra, “Bile salt induced aggregation
ofpoly(N-isopropylacrylamide) and lowering of the lower critical solution temperature in aqueous
solutions”Journal of Physical Chemistry B115, 433-439, 2011.
6) S. Louguet; Anitha C. Kumar, G. Sigaud, E. Duguet, S. Lecommandoux, C. Schatz, “A physicochemical
investigation of poly(ethyleneglycol)-block-poly(L-lysine)copolymer adsorption onto silica
nanoparticles”.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 359,2, 413-422, 2011.
7) Anitha C. Kumar, L. Stéphanie, S. Christophe, S. Lecommandoux, “Protein interaction with block
copolymer/silica hybrid nano particles”, Langmuir, 27, 21, 12891–12901,2011.
8) C.Tallet, J. Ieaud, O. Merchirs, Anitha C Kumar, F Nallet, A. Aradian and V. Ponsinet, “ Self-
Assembly as afabrication tool: Plasmonic particles organized in nanostructured polymer
matrices,Conference proceedings: metamaterials 2011: The fifthinternational congress on
advancedelectro magnetic materials in microwaves and optics, 60-62, 2011.
9) Harikrishna Erothu, Arun A. Sohdi, Anitha C. Kumar, Andrew J. Sutherland, Christine Dagron-
Lartigau, Ahmed Allal, Roger C. Hiorns, Paul D. Topham, “Facile synthesis of poly(3-xylthiophene)-
blockpoly(ethylene oxide) copolymers via Steglich esterification”. Polymer Chemistry, 4 (13), 3652-
3655, 2013.
10) Harikrishna Erothu andAnitha C Kumar, “Hydrophilic Polymers”, Biomedical Applications of
Polymeric Materials and Composites edited by Prof.Raju Francis and Prof.D. Sakthi Kumar, WILEY
11) Anitha C Kumar and Harikrishna Erothu, “Synthetic polymer hydrogels”, Biomedical Applications
of Polymeric Materials and Composites edited by Prof. Raju Francis and Prof. D. Sakthi Kumar,
12) Anitha C Kumar, “ Peptide hydrogels for biomedical applications” Proceedings of national
seminaronrecentadvancementsinmaterialsciences(RAIMS),15,17-18 March, 2018
13) Anitha C Kumar, “Preparation of metamaterials by incorporation of plasmonic particles in
polymermatrix” Proceedings of International conference on supercapacitors, energy storage and
applications(ICSEA),188, 8-10 March,2019.
14) JaanbeeShaikandAnithaCKumar,8-Anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonate(ANS)asaprobeforPoly(vinyl
alcohol)(PVA)swelling, International Journal of ChemTechResearch,13,2019
15) SKJanbee andAnithaCKumar, Swelling behavior of Poly(vinylalcohol)(PVA) gels
–A Fluorescence study by using 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonate(ANS) as a probe,
Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials Chemistry at the Interfaces
of Energy, Environment and Medicine (AMCI-19),1-2, January 30-31, 2019 ISBN: 978-93-
16) Koteswara Rao Adusumalli and AnithaC.Kumar, Novel sensitive UV spectrophotometric
method for the determination of Atazanavir, Journal of Applicable Chemistry, 2411-2416,8(6), 2019
17) Jaanbee Shaik and Anitha C.Kumar,“Nanostructures for biomedical devices”, Nanoscale
Processing edited by Prof.Sabu Thomas and Dr Preetha Balakrishnan, Elsevier Publishers,2020
18) Anitha C kumar, Nanostructured polymersomes for drug delivery applications, 5th International
Conference on Nanotechnology for Better Living (NBL-2019),; Editor: Dr. M. A. Shah and
Prof.P.Banerji,ISBN:978-81-939516-0-6, Applied Science Innovations Pvt.Ltd., India,2019
19) Anitha C Kumar, “Abistableelectro-optical novel switching of phase variance in liquid crystalline
hybrid materials”, Functional Materials Processing for Switchable Device Modulation edited by Prof.Sabu Thomas and Dr Kaushik Pal, Elsevier Publishers 2022