Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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Two  day webinar on “Perspectives in Spectroscopy” on 7th and 8th January 2022 organized by School of Chemical Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, sponsored by DST PURSE Phase – II, Department of Science and technology, Government of India. More details can be found in the announcements page. To join the webinar, click the below meeting link.


We started two value-added add-on Programs recently for the departmental students with a minimum 30-hour duration and initiate the program with the syllabus. The add-on programs will be conducted on the below-mentioned topics

  1. Instrumentation Techniques
  2. Computational Chemistry

We decided to conduct / give the following:

  • Dr. K.Pius Memorial Lecture on 28th January
  • VNR Endowment awards for the best outgoing students
  • Dr. C.V. Asokan Memorial Lecture
  • Linus Pauling Memorial Lecture
  • a two day seminar in February 2021

National conference on Recent Advances in Chemical Sciences (RACS-2020) School of Chemical Sciences, M.G. University, on February 7-8th 2020

School of Chemical Sciences organizeda National seminar on “Recent Advances in Chemical Sciences(RACS-2020)”during 7-8 February 2020at School of Chemical Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam. The main objective of the seminar was to enlighten the participants about the recent developments in diverse areas of Chemical Science. All invited speakers were our former M.Sc. students who are currently working in prestigious institutions across the country and hence it was a great stimulus for the upcoming researchers of the School as well as the participating institutions. This conference could make an ideal platform for our researchers to present their works and widen the scope and range of their research activity through dynamic interactions.

Prof. Sabu Thomas organised a talk by Dr.Deepu J. Babu EPFL, Switzerland “
Nanoporous Materials for Energy Efficient Gas Separations”At 5.00 p.m., Smart room (IIUCNN) on 7 th January 2020

Prof. Sabu Thomas organised a talk by. Dr.Jurgen Pionteck , Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden, At 5.30 p.m., , Seminar Hall, School of Chemical Sciences. (14 th January ,15 th January 2020)

Prof. Sabu Thomas organised a talk by. Dr.Jacques Desbrieres IPREM UMR5254 – UPPA/CNRS,TechnopoleHélioparc- “Chitosan-based hydrogels as biomaterials for controlled release”At 5.00 p.m., Seminar Hall (SCS) on 20-01-2020)