Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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All the faculty members are actively involved in research activities as is evident from the publications that appear in major national and international journals.  The major thrust Research areas of the faculty include.

At present, there are about more than 300 research students pursuing their Ph.D. work in the School. More than 100 students have completed their Ph.D. from this School so far. This School has created a reputation in the field of postgraduate teaching and research in frontier areas of Chemical Sciences and Technology. More than  1000 research papers have been published in internationally referred journals. Six US patents have been granted for the work carried out in the department, and Seventeen patents (US +Indian) have been filed pending patent granting. The faculty members of this department have presented and chaired sessions in several national and international conferences. A large number of research schemes sponsored by national and international agencies like UGC,DST,BRNS,STEC,AICTE, NSC and international schemes sponsored by Third World Academy of Sciences have been successfully completed and are ongoing in the School. The School collaborates with a number of national laboratories, Universities, IIT’s and IISc. It has severalactive international cooperative programs in research with Universities in Germany, Belgium, Canada, Japan, USA and France.

Interdisciplinary special lecture programmes, seminars and workshops are being regularly conducted at School of Chemical Sciences under various chairs and heads. These include Jawaharlal Nehru Chair, Linus Pauling Memorial lecture and Decennium Commemoration Lectures. Several national conferences, workshops and discussions meeting are also being frequently held at School of Chemical Sciences.

The research work carried out by the School has received national and international recognition. It is gratifying to note that more than 200 research scholars have won state and national awards on their research performance and presentations.

Ph.D. Awarded during the last five years (2017-2022)

Awards won by Research Scholars (2017-2022)