Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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IQAC Coordinator – Dr. Chithra Mohan

We constitute department level seven criteria committee with the following members including one student representative as mentioned below 

Criteria 1 : Curricular Aspects — Dr. G.Anilkumar, Yadhukrishna V.S

Criteria 2 : Teaching- Learning and Evaluation- — Dr. S.Anas, Jesslyn John P

Criteria 3 : Research, Consultancy, and Extension — Dr.Chithra Mohan, Anshid  K

Criteria 4 : Infrastructure and Learning Resources — Dr.Beena Mathew, Shinto Tom K.S

Criteria 5 : Student Support and Progression — Dr.Suresh Mathew, Arjun K Unnikrishnan

Criteria 6 : Governance, Leadership, and Management — Dr.K.S.Devaky, Sarath Sreedharan

Criteria 7 : Innovations and Best Practices —- Dr. Raju Francis, Sreenath Sreedharan